Wednesday, April 8, 2009

a little reflection on what JMC has put within me

Here is a little reflection on what JMC has put within me.

"It is about receiving a genuine, true fire. The right passionate FIRE! We've all been hurt by man's systems, faults and pride. In my life, it was time to leave what religion tried to burn me with and let go, give into God's presence to burn from the inside out. We are fashioned in the VERY likeness of the REAL, INTIMATE and LOVING GOD who never relents when it comes to relationship with us! We are His and His alone. As His pure sons and daughters, He gave us all we need to live the victorious life...BEING A LOVER OF HIM! All things stem from this truth: Purpose, Identity, Family, True Covenant Relationships, Healthy Living, etc. Whatever I need, He has and will always be the cure, answer, solution! He is the Healer, Deliver, Perfecter of mankind! In Ephesians 3, it speaks of the exceedingly abundant riches our Father has bestowed upon us through the blood of His Son, Jesus. We SHARE in the glorious splendor of the His Kingdom come. IT is about abiding in who He is to BE who you are created to be!

I wanted to share a little excerpt from one of my journals.

March 29,2009

God spoke to me through Proverbs 3 this morning. Here are my thoughts and emotions towards His presence...

"I will not lean into what has been a false preeminence in this life. I will pursue your beauty's purity."

I spent part of the morning listening to Coldplay and I was so compelled to cry out for the Fine Arts and Media Kingdom. I enjoy the deep resolve of the authentic artistry within their music. I was so overwhelmed with aesthetic emotion and the Presence of my Father God was strong, pure on my being. Jesus, you are the perfect creation of the depth of motion the universe exists within and for. Papa God... You complete all of me.
I realized to a greater degree that I am called to influence through this media. How this lights up my inner being and brings a strong, fire-warmth to my soul. Much of me wants to own this, to form it. But only the Spirit knows the deep Spiritual things. I am an Artist...who just grasped a glimpse of the magnitude my Creator knows me as. Father God, give me Vision...Your Kingdom Vision!


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